What an Honor!
A few years back, a pianist that I know named David Dzubinski reached out to me about a project he was cooking up.
He was putting together a ‘Real Book’ of Philadelphia composers’ songs…
Now for those of you who don’t know, a ‘Real Book’ is a collection of music charts that make it easy for musicians to learn tunes or play tunes on gigs. There is a long and rich history of ‘Real’ and ‘Fake’ books in jazz, that I’ll save for another time…
David asked me to contribute a song to the project and so I did…a brand-new song I had just written, titled ‘All That is Before You’.
After several years of working to get the project off the ground, Mr. Dzubinski did, and with the help of Jazz Bridge and Temple University Press, it is out now and available to the public!
The other day I received my copy in the mail!
It is such an honor to have my song on Page 5, beside Philly greats such as Christian McBride, Joey DeFrancesco, and Odean Pope!
If you want, click the link below to get your copy!
Jazz Bridge – Real Philadelphia Book
The timing is unreal!
Since it is almost 4 years to the day since I recorded this song for my album ‘Voice = Power’!
Although I recorded ‘All That is Before You’ for my album ‘Voice = Power’, you may notice that the title is not on it…
This is because in the recording session, which was live, we messed up! Hey, it happens…
Since it was live there was no way to fix it, however, the solos were excellent, and I thought it wasteful to scrap it entirely.
So, I cut it up into three ‘Interludes’ and dispersed them throughout the album! A quick and economical fix! (I provided links below)
The other day, as luck would have it, I found a live bootleg-recording of the song online, from a concert I did a few months after the recording. It features the great saxophonist Victor North playing baritone sax and it is the only known full recording of the song in existence!!!
As I finish up post-production on my newest album…please take a minute to reflect with me…I hope it brings you joy and inspiration!