Genesis: In the Beginning ///
The person whose response sparked this project is a pianist and accordionist named Doug Makofka.
I had never met Doug. At this point in time, we were total strangers.
He had discovered my music online and purchased tickets to an upcoming concert. As is my way, I wrote him a thank you note signed with a small musical idea that popped into my head while writing the letter.
To my amazement, he replied with a musical response!
The simple exchange that led to this entire project …
In our back-and-forth, I never told him that I finished the song and was able to surprise him at the show with its premier!
That was an amazing night for me.
It showed me how great a connector the internet can be (when used with good intentions of course) and opened me up to the possibility of collaborating with others.
I began to invite the input of others, especially those who are on this email list. Maybe it was easier for me to put my guard down around those who I knew wanted the best for me and my music …
Either way, soon after this experience, several other amazing artists from all over the world, independently offered their time and talents in the spirit of collaboration.
It was then that I saw what this project was becoming, growing from a single song into a larger, interdisciplinary work.
Over the course of the next two weeks, I will be releasing the ‘Correspondence’ EP song by song, while introducing you to the wonderful people who made it possible.
To continue the ‘Correspondence’ experience …
… simply click ‘Explore Next Post’
Doug Makofka: Composer
Rich Schwab: Composer, sound design, mixing egineer
Michael Cumming: Recording engineer
Nicholas Krolak: Composer/bass