Day 4 - Time of ArrivAl

Our party crosses the frontier and reaches our destination. What will be our next adventure?

‘Chicory Root’

Can the natural world heal us? I think so.

Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with a severe auto-immune disease. To make a long story short, the medications she was prescribed had worse side-effects than the disease, and she bravely decided to treat herself through diet, meditation, and self-care.

Now, I’m not a medical professional, and I’m not advocating for any particular treatment. However, after many years of trial and error, she is in remission and leads a very active and healthy lifestyle.

One of the big turning points in this process was around the time she gave up caffeine. She replaced her usual chai tea with chicory root tea and the aroma of this new substance filled our house. Slightly sweet and nutty, I now associate this smell with health and vitality.

I finished this song around the time she had been through the worst of her illness. It was spring, health and new life abounded. Hope was represented in the olfactory sensations brought about by chicory root.

Can you remember a time after you weathered a great storm? Can you remember the feeling when you realized everything is going to be ok? For me that feeling is encapsulated in ‘Chicory Root’.


Aesthetically, this song is one part Monk, one part Ahmad Jamal. Although the soloists on this track (Tim Brey on piano and Jon Katz on alto sax) make it sound easy, the chord changes are challenging to navigate. One of my mentors once called them ‘knotty’, like a bramble in the woods. They move in slightly unexpected ways, which makes them even more tricky. I never try to write difficult material, but sometimes it just happens…


These amazing photos were taken by Mikhail Bezruchko. The whole shoot was his idea, and I’m very grateful for it.



In what ways does sustainability factor into your life?

For me, sustainability goes beyond helping the planet by physically reducing waste. I try to use the concept professionally and creatively as well, and jazz is the perfect medium for this.

I like to reuse and reimagine ideas, I find great energetic and creative boosts from this practice and this song is a great example of this.


I originally wrote this song for a group that I played in back in 2014/15. To be accurate, it was only part of this song, and it had a totally different feel (more of a rock thing). Years after that group ended, I repurposed this song, adding another section, making it swing, and putting it in 3/4 time.

After this flash of inspiration, I realized it fit perfectly into my new group’s aesthetic and it quickly became a staple of my repertoire.

It is always amazing to me how the end of one journey can lead the beginning of a new one, and why it is important to reflect on past experiences from time to time.

It is my hope that this ‘Expedition’ has given you some space to renew your creative energies and pursue the next adventure on your horizon.

Bonus Material!

Official Music Video for ‘Chicory Root’

Jenny, my wife, and I spend as much time as we can in nature. We are very fortunate to live near an amazing park system that has brought us much joy over the years (especially during the pandemic).

During our hikes, Jenny will often bring her camera and film interesting things that catch her eye. For this video, I asked her to compile some spring themed footage from our hikes (and a couple shots from her garden!).

I’ve always enjoyed multiple exposure photography and abstract music videos and wanted to represent that in this video. This collaboration was a fun project for us, and I hope it conveys a better understanding of the song for you. Enjoy!