BehiNd the SceNes…

/// a sonic experiment ///

Since the worst of the pandemic lockdowns, I’ve been writing and recording a new album called ‘River Song’.

I’ve been exploring new music styles as well as means of production and I’d love to share with you a little experiment I’ve been working on.

I call it ‘Embers’ and will appear on ‘River Song’ in a shorter cut, while the entire song will appear on the B-sides release of ‘Mycological’

Basically, I wrote and recorded a dirge for distorted arco bass and a standard string quartet. I recorded and edited this entirely by myself, using my office as a recording studio and my phone as a video camera.

The piece is inspired by Jimi Hendrix’s distorted guitar sounds, modern double-bassist Joseph Warner, and minimalist composers like Brian Eno and Sigur Ros.

I know it is a bit of a departure from my earlier works, however, texture (both organic and manipulated) is a fertile area that I wish to explore in the future.

As always, I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think!