
/// The Path ///


This is NOT a complicated song … it’s really just one idea.

However, as with any good idea, one can spin-off many others. That is essentially how ‘Title’ works, something like a topic of conversation … spurring new ideas and pathways, yet always returning to the main theme.

This is the first recording in which we used Jenny’s synthesizer rig extensively … about halfway through the song … Jenny’s contributions start to sneak in, and by the end, her chaotic sounds envelop the previous conversation.

Mountain Song

Landscapes in the American Southwest are simply stunning, and as a rock climber, my favorite part is seeing the mountains.

There are no mountains on the east coast, real mountains at least, so it is a special treat to be among these giants.

‘Mountain Song’ is the sister composition to ‘River Song’, born of the same creative process and inspiration.

It is notable on this song (as well as ‘River Song’), there is no bass !

I’m not playing on either song … in fact, I tried, but it just sounded better without it, so that’s how it will remain.

A big part of music for me is letting go of the ego. For some, music is an excuse to feed the ego. However, in the end, music isn’t about me and if NOT PLAYING makes the song better, then that’s what I will do.

Many artists never develop a sense for when they should be quiet and listen. This ultimately leads to mediocre music that never fully resonates …

My goal is to resonate to the fullest … and if that means putting my ego aside and not playing OR deleting a complex part for a simple one … then that is how it must be.

Music is like nature … only a fool thinks they can control it … it does what it wants to do … and our job is simply observe …