Always an Adventure!

 Do you have a friend that always takes you on an adventure?

For me, that’s pianist Jay Epstein! His writing, playing, and choice of musicians ALWAYS leads to improvisational craziness. The kind of situations that improvisors live for.

In some musical situations, you have a simple job to do. You know what to expect and surprises are generally not welcome.

Playing Jay’s music, however, keeps you on your toes. You never know what’s going to happen next. You have to stay incredibly focused yet pliable enough to meet with the unexpected.

While improvising at this level, the unexpected is welcome! It’s a challenge, as Wayne Shorter once said, “Jazz to me means, ‘I dare you’”.

Jay also runs a super cool non-profit called Jazz In Fairmount, that produces live jazz concerts in community spaces in the Fairmount neighborhood of Philadelphia. If interested check them out below.

PS I’ll be playing a concert of theirs on Sept 24th!!!