‘Voice = Power’ LP Review
As you might already know … I have some strong opinions about music industry ‘gatekeepers’ … for most of my career, I’ve been ignored by music critics, journalists, booking agents, etc …
However, a couple weeks back, Ken Micallef reached out to me wanting to review the ‘Voice = Power’ LP … to be honest, my initial thought was ‘NO !’
you see many ‘reviews’ in the music world are simply copy and paste jobs from the albums press release. Often there is no ‘REVIEW’ at all … but when I took a minute to watch some of Ken’s videos, I could see how genuine he was, that he actually listened, and cared … so my mind was changed and I sent him an LP.
His review came out last week and I shared it below … the review of my record starts at about 0:55 into the video … there are other records he reviews and I recommend checking out the whole video and following his YouTube channel if you are into vinyl !