
///the hidden files///

If you are reading this…

…you’ve probably heard ‘Pavane’, the song I wrote that is inspired by the illustration seen below, created by French Illustrator Gilles Baudson…

…and it also seems plausible that you may have even enjoyed the song enough to listen to it a number of times…

…if that is true, perhaps you’d enjoy a free download of ‘Pavane’ so you can listen to it whenever you like :)

(simply click where is says ‘download’)


BUT WAIT…there’s more…

Now, this next part is for superfans only…

…those who want to hear the origin story, see behind the scenes…

…to be honest, I wasn’t sure anybody would be interested in it, but since you are still here, I’m pretty confident you are going to dig this…



Not too long ago, I was listening back to old ‘audio notes’ and found this gem!

This is the first recording of ‘Pavane’.

I’m not sure of the date, or how long I had been working on it before I recorded it.

It sounds a little too refined to have just been improvised, but, as you can hear, it is FAR from perfect.

Also, in this early version, there are two extra sections at the end, and there was a mysterious note I left myself that said ‘slow waltz?’.

Now, this clearly isn’t a waltz, nor is it slow, and the two extra sections didn’t make the final draft…but that’s how the composition process works…

…things change, evolve…all you can do is flow along with them…