/// meet the TEAM ///
The past year has been crazy … I started all by myself, but have slowly built a small but mighty team of super talented individuals !
Without them, I wouldn’t be able to take the next steps in my career.
This week, I wanted to give them a shoutout of gratitude :)
Not only is Zach Martin an INCREDIBLE drummer … he is also in charge of shipping all your orders … so next time you receive a package of my music, give Zach a quiet thanks :)
Johan Tavarez and Marisol Llaudes … these two amazing young musicians help me with everything from brainstorming new and interesting ideas, working the merch table at shows, and even recording on the new album !!! all the while, learning about the music industry … in fact, Marisol is going to take over the emails for the next two weeks … and I’m sure she has a few fun surprises for in store for you :)