/// my recording DEBUT! ///

The month leading up to the recording date I thought about it everyday. I just wanted to nail it for the sake of the album and my own peace of mind.

During vacation, I’d practice on the sandy beaches of Spain running the lyrics and melody through my head. I’d put the song on repeat at my grandma's house while I sang it in her pool, filled with excitement and joy. In waters of my own world, with a tunnel vision to recording day.

I continued to work on the song once I arrived back home too.

I really wanted to make this song sound like ME and make Nicholas’ vision come to life. Once recording day finally rolled over I definitely felt prepared.

I ate a hearty breakfast, had my favorite crystals with me and even though lyrics were internalized, I also brought my journal. It's soothing to be able to keep a tangible piece of myself with me.

When I arrived at the studio I felt a quiet inside yet jittery. I did not feel an urge to speak, I wanted to save my energy for bringing the music to life. I put the headphones on with the mic and on the other side of the booth had been transported to my own bubble of creation. I tried my best to allow my singing to speak for me and land wherever the words took me with hopes of producing authentic emotion and sound. I imagined being back in the studio many times again for my own music and for whatever/wherever this journey of sound takes me.

We did about 3 takes for each song and as a recovering perfectionist I was surprised and a bit relieved with the ease of the process. The vibes were super chill and supportive all throughout. Contradictory, a whisper of nerves and inner doubt seemed to linger. I just wanted to nail it! 

What do you think?

This album especially meant and means a lot to me to be a part of because of the sentimentality in this collection of songs. This album is a collection of 20 years worth of music built off an entire career. It is cool to put that into perspective given the fact that I am JUST beginning mine.

After recording day, I felt relief and more excitement. I looked forward to hearing the final pieces. Though, the day I received a link to the final recordings I felt hesitant to listen. I honestly can't fully describe why, but sometimes hearing yourself is just weird and uncomfortable. It's easy to pick apart mistakes that literally no one else is thinking about.

Once I got over myself and finally listened it felt quite out of body. I honestly loved how they turned out after my second listen and was and am so excited for them to be released.

Truly a memory to cherish that will be on record forever. I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do and I am so grateful to be able to share my voice and writings with you at the start of my journey.

If you're still reading, thanks for sticking around :)  

/// a special surprise ///

P.S If you haven’t already joined Nicholas’ patreon make sure you do if you want some even more exclusive content and to see another song I’ll be singing on the album!!! :)